
meeting of forestry was held

  वनविज्ञान अध्ययन सस्ंथानको विद्यापरिषदको बैठक सम्पन्न । त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय वन विज्ञान अध्ययन संस्थाको ६९ औं विद्यापरिषदको बैठक सम्पन्न मिति २०७६ साउन १५ गते भएको छ । उपकुलपतिको कार्यालयको सभाकक्षमा आयोजित विद्यापरिषद् बैठकले स्नातकोत्तर तहको पाठ्यक्रम तथा शैक्षिक कार्यक्रमहरु सम्बन्धमा बिभिन्न मिति र समयमा भएको निर्णयहरुको स्वीकृति गर्नुका साथै परीक्षा व्यवस्थापन सम्बन्धी कार्यविधी २०७६ समेत पारित गरेको छ । विद्यापरिषदको उक्त बैठकले स्नातक तह चौथो बर्ष दोस्रो सेमेष्टरमा अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थीहरुलाई इन्टनसिप गराउने सम्बन्धी कार्यविधि समेत स्वीकृत गरेको छ । विद्यापरिषदको बैठकलाई सम्बोधन गर्नुहँुदै त्रिविका शिक्षाध्यक्ष एव्म बैठकका प्रमुख अतिथी प्रा.डा.सुधा त्रिपाठीले सामुदायिक बन व्यवस्थापन विश्वकै उदाहरण बनिरहेको सन्र्दभमा वन विज्ञान अध्ययन संस्थानले बनको दिगो व्यवस्थापन र प्राकृतिक विपत्तिहरुका बारे अध्ययन÷अध्यापनमा पाठ्यक्रम संशोधन गर्दै समयानुकुल अघि बढन सुझाव दिनुभएको थियो । त्रिविका रजिष्ट्रार डिल्लीराम उप्रेतीले सरकारी निकायहरुसँग समन्वय गरी देशलाई आवश्यकपर्ने दक्ष जनशक्ति ...


  भक्तपुर  : बुधबार रातिदेखि जारी गरिएको निषेधाज्ञा अवज्ञा गरी अनावश्यक रुपमा सडकमा निस्किने २ सय ३६ जनालाई प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ । त्यस्तै ८० वटा दुईपांग्रे सवारीसाधन नियन्त्रणमा लिइएको छ । बिना काम निषेधाज्ञा उल्लंघन गरी सडकमा निस्किएका सर्वलाई प्रहरीले सडकमै उभ्याउने गरेका छन् । त्यस्तै दुईपांग्रे सवारीसाधनलाई पनि नियन्त्रणमा लिएर त्यसमा सवार व्यक्तिलाई होल्ड गरिएको छ ।  महानगरीय प्रहरी परिसर भक्तपुरकी प्रमुख प्रहरी उपरीक्षक तारादेवी थापाका अनुसार बिहीबार बिहान १० बजेसम्म विनाकाम सडकमा निस्किने २ सय ३६ जनालाई नियन्त्रणमा लिइएको जानकारी दिइन् । काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा निषेधाज्ञा जारी भएपछि बिहीबार बिहानैदेखि प्रहरीले सडक तथा नाकाहरुमा कडा चेकजाँच गरेको थियो । त्यस्तै सहरबजारका मुख्य मुख्य चोकहरुमा समेत प्रहरी परिचालन गरी निषेधाज्ञा पालना गराइरहेका छन् । निषेधाज्ञामा अत्यावश्यक काममा बाहेक सर्वसाधारणलाई यताउता हिँडडुल गर्न बन्देज लगाइएको छ । त्यस्तै अत्यावश्यक काममा जाने भनी तोकिएका व्यक्तिहरुबाहेक अरु कसैले सवारीसाधन चलाउन पाइँदैन । यसरी कडा व्यवस्था गरिँदा पनि अनावश्...

Message from dean of Tribhuean university

  Message from Dean ......... Prof. Chitra Bahadur Budhathoki, Ph.D. Dean, Faculty of Education Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal


 Teacher education in Nepal was started with the establishment of Basic Teacher Training Programme in 1947. As the need of teachers and teacher training was realized by the then government of Nepal, Nepal National Educational Planning Commission (NNEPC) 1954-55 recommended for College of Education which was materialized in 1956. The main objective of the College of Education (COE) was to produce trained manpower to teach at the primary and secondary schools. Thus, with the establishment of the College of Education, teacher training in the country took a definite shape. In 1971, National Education System Plan was introduced in the country and COE was renamed as the Institute of Education (IOE). A decade later in 1982, following the recommendation made by the Royal Commission on Higher Education, IOE was given the status of the present Faculty of Education (FOE). Faculty of Education (FOE) is the largest faculties under Tribhuvan University in terms of the number of students and the ...

tribhuwan university hold exam form august

  TU to hold exams from August- September KATHMANDU: Tribhuvan University, the oldest university of the country is mulling over resuming its coronavirus-disrupted academic plans from September and has decided to run most of the exams under management stream from the last week of August onwards. Master’s Level and Bachelor’s Level exam schedule published by TU were suspended until further notice after the enforcement of lockdown imposed to curb coronavirus pandemic. Issuing a public notice on Friday, the Dean’s Office of Management Faculty of TU has notified that the exams of Master’s Level will be conducted from the Last week of August. Similarly, it has also notified that the semester exams of Bachelor’s level would be conducted from the first week of September. Earlier, TU had shared its plan of conducted Master’s and Bachelor Level exams simultaneously. TU had also shared the plan of conducting Bachelor level’s 4 Year’s exam and 2 Year’s exam at a time and 3 year and 1 year’s ex...

Mission and vision

  The year 2007 marked the inception of GoldenGate International Secondary School envisioned by a group of academia with long standing experience and devotion in the field of teaching and learning. Higher wing of this school, Goldengate International College offers 6 Master’s and 13 Bachelor’s programs with affiliation to Tribhuvan University. Golden Gate International Secondary School offers Ten Plus two programs in  Science, Management and Humanities  with the affiliation from National Examination Board (NEB). MISSION AND VISION The mission of Golden Gate is to work towards establishing it as a reputed institution in terms of its excellence in quality by imparting international standard education for the students. It is with this pious objective, a team of seasoned faculty members with national and international exposures in their respective fields, along with successful managers and entrepreneurs have joined hands and initiated this endeavor. The vision of Golden ...

Tribhuwan university

  Tribhuvan University, Office of the Registrar Information and Public Relations Division has published a notice regarding the closure of offices and campuses under the University over the fear of COVID-19 pandemic. As per the notice, the offices and campuses of the Univesity will remain closed from Bhadra 1 to Bhadra 15.  The university has also instructed all the office bearers, teachers, and employees to work from home. 

List of collage

BCA Program  is a four-year (8 Semester) academic program which focuses on the utilization of the concepts of information technology to solve organizational problems. The students will acquire required skills for system development, database and information system design, network design and integration of these skills for problem solving BCA curriculum is flexible enough to meet the student background and career aspiration. The BCA program of TU is of 4 years. The program runs on semester-system. It is running under the faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences. Eligibility Students who have secured minimum 40 % or 'C' grade  in all subjects of 10+ 2 or equivalent examinations Tribhuvan University affiliated BCA Colleges in Nepal are as follows: 1.  Sagarmatha Multiple College Address: Dillibazar, Kathmandu Sagarmatha Multiple College (SM College), established in 2057 (2000) and affiliated to Higher Secondary Education Board and Purbanchal University, is the creati...

BCA Nepal

  The Scope of BCA in Nepal | Kantipur City College When asked if you know anything about how the IT sector was first introduced in Nepal, you’d probably answer with something ambitious like warcraft. Or maybe science experiments. Or perhaps the film industry. Not to burst your bubble, but these guesses are actually wrong. It wasn’t until 1971, when the first mainframe, IBM 1401, was used for – you’d never guess it –  population census calculation . This just goes to show that the scope of computing, in general, is rather broad. Now, the  age of information  is upon us – the IT field is growing more than ever before. What does this mean for you? There’s a better scope for IT courses like BCA in Nepal. You see, a Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) course isn’t limited to binary digits only – it’s useful in various fields. Especially in a progressive country like Nepal, where the IT sector is incessantly growing, the scope of BCA in Nepal is promising. Allow us to ...

National Examination Board;NOTICE to fulfill exam form fee



FEE STRUCTURE BBA/ BSC.CSIT 1st Semester 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th Semester 3rd, 5th and 7th Semester Total Rs. 58, 000 Rs. 43,000 X 4 = Rs. 1, 72, 000 Rs. 43, 500 X 3 = Rs. 1, 30, 500 Rs. 3, 60, 500 BBM/BIM/BCA 1st Semester 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th Semester 3rd, 5th & 7th Semester Total Rs. 52, 0000 Rs. 39, 500 X 4 = Rs. 1, 58, 000 Rs. 40, 000 X 3 = Rs. 1,20,000 Rs. 3,30,000

BCA block of bhairahawa multiple campus

This is a BCA[bachelor in computxer application}block of bhairahawa multiple campus  which is located on the western part inside the campus ..In this block students of bca and bsc csit read . here in this block the upper floor is computer laboratory  and other are the classes of bca and csit.

tribhuwan university office of dean {humunities and social science}at the orientation class


notice for presentation


message rom dicector of bhairahawa multiple campus

Message from the Director's Perspective Serving quality education for decades, Bhairahawa Multiple campus has started latest programs in management, social sciences and in information technology. Present trend in different discipline Understanding the essence of new trends indifferent discipline and the interest of new generation, we are initiating programs like BBM, BBA, BIM, BCA and Bsc CSIT programs to prepare global standard human resource, which can work efficiently across the world. BMC focus job-oriented and development programs which produce high level skilled human resource to meet the need at global level to fulfill the demands of government, nongovernment entrepreneurship organization, banking and financial institutions, corporate organizations and business world. BMC has improved in its infrastructure to cope up with new technologies and expertise in classroom environment for to develop all round personality of the students in a creative and innovative way. I assure you...

message from the chief of bhairahawa multiple campus .

Message from Campus Chief Bhairahawa Multiple Campus (BMC) is a pioneer campus of this region. It was established in 2025 V.S. to address the then need of the society. As a constituent campus of Tribhuvan University (T.U.) it has a great responsibility education in the society. It has given a great chance to the students at local level and contributed in nation O1 empowering people through building. Large number of students are enrolled and passed out from this campus It caters huge selection of electives subjects to the students to give choice as for their need and interest. BMC focuses on interdisciplinary academic courses to produce competent human resources to meet the global need of 21st century. Considering the global market and job opportunity, we are launching the latest programs in management, technology. Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), Bachelor of Business Management (B.B.M.), Bachelor of Information Management Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.), Bachelor...
Bhairahawa multiple campus is located on the eastern part of bhairahawa . it is located on the five hundred meter from the devota chown of bairahawa.

working interactive science and technology presented


notice for the exam of bsc csit . the exam which was post ponded by covind 19 will be held on the second weak of bhadra
